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Welcome to the UNTD Association of Canada

Celebrating the Military and Civilian Contributions of Canadian Naval Reservists


Time to fall in one more time!

Get ready for the 100th Anniversary of the
Canadian Naval Reserve in 2023

New Members
Count Yourself In

UNTD Association of Canada

(name under review)

Welcomes All Members of the

Canadian Naval Reserve, Active and Retired

What’s in it for you?

Reconnect or maintain connections with classmates
Enjoy periodic newsletters
Find vintage yearbooks, articles and other publications on the website
Stay informed of local and national Naval events
Keep up-to-date with plans for 2023

What do we expect from you?

Let us know who you are so we can make sure you’re counted in. NOTE: Your personal information will not be made public. You will only receive occasional newsletters and emails from us unless you indicate otherwise.

New Members
Count Yourself In

What’s a UNTDA (name under review) Member?

Any active or retired member of  the Canadian Naval Reserve can join the Association. The Association has several categories of membership:

Active members – are dues paying. This is the only category of member that is entitled to vote in committees and at the Annual General Meeting.

Passive members – are those who wish to remain on the Nominal List for the historical record and to receive periodic mailings.

Associate members – are others who support the mission of the Association. They can choose to be either Active or Passive.

Honorary members – are those who have been recognized by the Association for exemplary service to the Navy.

Only Active Members pay dues. It is up to the individual to choose which category of membership best suits their needs. Our Naval Reserve service epitomizes citizenship and contributes to our collective memories of character-building experiences; you can show your support for the Association by choosing to be an Active Member. The schedule of dues is very modest, as follows:

1 Year – $25.00 | 2 Years – $47.50 | 3 Years – $70.00

Payment can be made in 2 ways:

1. Email the appropriate amount to OR

2. Send a cheque payable to the UNTD Association of Canada care of:

Ross Connell
217 Willowridge Court
Oakville, ON L6L 5J1

Page last revised January, 2023

Nominal Interactive List

VIP Interactive List

Honorary Life Members

Rear Admiral Kenneth J Summers
(ret’d) OMM MiD BStar (USA) MB(Bahrain) KAAM(Saudi Arabia) LKM1stC (Kuwait) CD MSC

The fields in this shaded area are essential if we are to keep you in the loop.

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First Name(s)
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Last Name
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Full Preferred Name
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E-mail Address
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Reserve Division on Entry
  • - select a division -
  • DONNACONA (Lenn)
  • DONNACONA (Sher)
  • SCOTIAN (Acadia)
  • SCOTIAN (Mt A)
  • SCOTIAN (St F X)
  • STAR
  • STAR (OAC)
  • STAR (OVC)
  • TECUMSEH (Edm)
  • YORK
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Current City
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Field is required!
Year of Entry
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Field is required!
How did you first join the Naval Reserve?
  • - select a scheme -
  • Non-commissioned/MR
  • OTHER (Please elaborate below)
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Field is required!

In order for our Nominal List to be truly comprehensive, we'd appreciate all the information you can provide by filling out the optional fields below as well.

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Street Address
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Postal Code
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Preferred Phone
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Field is required!
Rank (Current or on retirement)
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Field is required!

Where a field above is inadequate for an explanation, please elaborate here. Also, provide any information you wish about any significant service to Canada; military or otherwise. Your branch or trade, your years of service and ships you served in and special courses are all of interest.

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Membership Type
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Choose your Active Membership
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Your Active membership includes a nominal fee which contributes to our presence on the web, our publications, and support for conferences and reunion planning committees.

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Method of Payment
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Field is required!

Please make your cheque payable to:
UNTD Association of Canada

Mail cheque to:
Ross Connell
217 Willowridge Court
Oakville, ON L6L 5J1

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Field is required!


Attention Active members: At the AGM in Victoria in May, 2023, the Association will be recommissioned with a new name and a new mandate. Do you want to get in on the ground floor? Regardless of your experience in the Reserve or on civvy street, we need more members to help chart the new course.

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UNTD Association of Canada © 2022. All rights reserved | Website designed by Model Vision Studios

Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws


The Articles of Incorporation/By Laws were amended at the Annual General Meeting held on November 15, 2022, but will not take effect until approved by the federal authorities.

Please refer to the Notice of Meeting and Agenda materials for the text of the changes.

Take me to the AGM materials

Take me to the current version of the Aritcles of Incorporation

Take me to the current version of the Bylaws

Current Member Data

Almost all participants in the UNTD program, and many in post-UNTD officer training programs have been included in the Nominal List. Here you can find out if you are listed and with what information. Please refer to the previous Membership page for full details about Active and Passive categories. Rest assured that contact details are used only for Association business and communications, and are not disclosed publicly.

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Do you have any other questions?
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Preferred First and Last Names
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E-mail Address
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Field is required!

The University Naval Training Division Association of Canada

Privacy Statement

The UNTD Association of Canada collects and maintains a file of names, addresses, phone numbers, and email addresses, for the purpose of facilitating contact between former officer cadets. The information may be shared with any member wishing to organize a reunion, or to make personal contact with another member, upon receiving a commitment that the information will not be sold or released to any other person or organization, and will not be used for anything other than official UNTDA business without the express permission of the member(s) whose information may be shared.

January 10, 2021


Under Construction

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